Weekly shop cost

Unrelated to babies I know, but how much do you spend on your weekly food shop? We are averaging about £130 a week atm for 2 adults for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. We are a family of 3 with our 7 month old (but the cost of his stuff isn't even included in this, nappies, formula, or anything else food related as we account for that out of our child benefit money). Is anyone else spending this much basically for just 2 adults? I feel there must be a way of us getting this down but my partner is just saying that food has gone up and that's the norm. We do batch cook, or have sunday roasts and use leftover meat for a ramen or something else another day. We generally buy healthy shops and are meat eaters which obviously increases the price too.
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Thats about the same for us, we are 2 adults, 4yr old & nearly 8month. I get stuff for breakfast & dinners and my husbands & sons lunches. X

Same for us too, 2 adults and a 7 month old baby x

I do about 200 a month and it’s 2 adults and a 5 month old but I get a few freezer bits but that’s not including drinks I do about 100 on drinks a month as my partner only really drinks milkshakes so it’s crazy

I spend about £120 a week for 2 adults, a 3 year old and a 7 month old. That includes everything for the baby - nappies, wipes etc but not formula as he is allergic to dairy so we get that on prescription. Some weeks I do go over that by £10 or £20 but I’m quite strict so mostly stick to the budget. I don’t buy sweet treats in the grocery shop. If my partner wants sweets, he buys his own lol. I meal plan for every day of the week and I only buy the food that is needed for those meals.

About the same as we spend, we probs spend a bit more but tbh life is busy and we buy a lot of convenience foods like microwave rice etc that costs more!

We do a bulk meat shop for the month, split and freeze it and baby supplies all from Costco about £160 then about £100-120 from aldi, that’s for 2 adults, 2 boys and 7.5 month old x

£120-160 a week. Where do you shop?

About 100 a week for 2 adults one 7 month baby. Shop at Lidl x

We do about 80-100 each week for 2 adults, 4 year old and 7 month old incl nappies etc. However this isn't 3 meals a day for 7 days. X

£80-£100 a week, two of us and little one. (Includkng nappies) We shop at aldi or lidl

Where are you shopping? I think we're about £80 for 2 adults, 3yr old and 8m old. We do pick extra bits up during the week but not always and sometimes only spend £50 when we do the shop... We always look in the reduced section, especially for meat/sausages/pies/pizza and freeze a lot of items. We spend a lot of fruit 😂 but often also get that reduced, the toddler eats it so quickly! I've also recently started using olio and at least once a week pick up some free bits from there.

We bulk buy meat from the butchers and freeze it (much better quality and value for money). Our weekly shop as a family of 4 is between £50-£70 per week depending on what we need, we shop at Tesco’s. Creating a menu for the following week and then doing our shop online helps to keep the cost down quite a lot x

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