No help from anyone apart from applying for student finance. Not too sure but you may get some childcare help
@Nicole you can claim uc still as you have a dependant but there are deductions x
@Ryan ah it may be different if you have a child. I done uni for 5 years and got no help but was childless at that time as it was before I had my little boy x
I’m in my final year (6) of open university. In wales you get a childcare grant and heavily subsidised fees but not England. It’s worth speaking to the UC team first and asking them maybe? They got funny with me when I was on mat leave and I couldn’t claim much UC as I was a student but do believe that was due to welsh rules. Xx
I’m considering going back and finishing the degree I started - you will still get UC but will have deductions (they work out what you are getting monthly from SFE) and sfe will pay 85% of childcare costs upfront, maybe chat to the uni you are thinking about going too as they have things in place to help parents!