Mine does the same 🙄🙄🙄 she gets so lazy towards the end of a meal and I just do it cause I want dinner time to be over 😂
oh thanks so much girls! makes me feel a lot better😅
Yes! It's a pain really but I'll whatever it takes to get his belly full. He does snatch the spoon away from me when it comes to pudding/yoghurt and currently insists on eating crisps with a spoon so he's still getting regular practice
Yep, sometimes I think my little boy thinks he's a prince and we are his servants 🤣.
@Natalie oh my daughter is the same with yoghurts too😅 and a spoon with crisps, what are they like🤣🤣
@Marianne same for my girl🤣🤣
Yep. It’s either ‘mama help’ or she stops eating her tea to help herself to mine (exactly the same) and I have to feed her 🙈
lol my toddler does this. I’ll give him his food and he’ll eat half by himself and then call one of us to sit next to him and gets us to feed him. Funny cause a few months ago he’d fight us if we tried to take his spoon and offer him food 😝