Scared to be single mum how to care for myself and baby?
Hi, my relationship has been a rollercoaster ride and it has coming to an end.
I’m 24 weeks pregnant and are giving birth soon in may. My living situation with my baby daddy is not great as we moved to live in my room inside my parents house due to financial difficulties and change of life plan. My parents agree to help but the relationship between my baby daddy and mum has not been great had he has not shown to be a provider which concern my mum very much.
Last night they had a misunderstanding that leads to my baby telling me that he’s gonna move out and I should stay here as I’m better off staying with my parents. It was a coward selfish move in my opinion. I got really hurt and realised that he won’t change to be more mature. He withdraw from communication, sleep on the floor, glued to his phone and tell me that he’s not ready for a conversation after dropping me that bombshell. It scares me because that’s how he behave a lot when he is upset or angry. I feel like I’m begging to talk to him (like a wall) where he distance himself from me, leaving me to cry alone while he’s next to me.
I know I couldn’t rely or be with a partner like him but I ride it out until I couldn’t anymore because of our baby. But I had enough of trying and begging for him to stay or things to get better after I know that he can just abandon me and think that is the best decision for me and for him.
Now he has made a decision to leave and live by himself, leaving me 6 months pregnant in my parents home. I don’t know what his plan is and I’m too hurt to wait to find out.
I’m worried about where me and my baby can live as I already contact the shelter and they have no available place for me. I can’t live at my parents house as is not good for my mental health either. I claim universal credit, health start and planning to claim maternity allowance in the future. But I don’t know if is enough for me to live alone with my baby and survive. I’m so stressed and I feel so alone. What matter for me the most is housing right now as I can’t stay with my parents until I give birth.
If anyone has similar experience that can help point me to the right direction I would be very grateful right now because I don’t want to feel like I let my child down when he’s born.
I can’t understand the nuances of your situation, but in my opinion, the child is best off in a stable living home. My mom got up the courage to leave my dad when I was 1.5 years old because she may not have had the strength to leave him for herself but she did have the strength to leave him for me. He was a liar and manipulator. My mom gave me the love, stability, and security that I needed. And my grandparents gave me a lot of attention and support too! I later did form a relationship with my dad, but it was 2 decades later after he did the work and the relationship I have with him is limited and on my terms. My mom is my hero!