Eating fruit?!

How do I get my little boy to eat more fruit? He’s 16 months old and seems to hate every fruit other than bananas and strawberries. I’ve tried all sorts - kiwi, cherries, oranges, nectarines, mango, melon, apple, pear, plums. He will sometimes eat stewed apple / pear in with his yoghurt but I don’t want this to be the only way he will eat it! Does anyone have any tips or ideas as I’m worried he’s not getting what he needs! Veg he’s fine with as I can hide it in other foods if he won’t eat as finger food.
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My little girl does eat quite a bit of fruit but I do it mainly at snack time or as a pudding. Grapes are a huge hit for her (cut into quarters). For example I often offer fruit before things she would prefer.

Have you tried blueberries? They are a big hit in our house!

@Kate yep tried blueberries and grapes and it’s a no! I do sneak them Into banana and blueberry muffins but he doesn’t get loads this way!

My lo will only eat raspberries. I think it’s common at this age to not have a huge number of things they eat… I’m told it gets better!

I just cut fruit in greek yogurt and he will est it ! Mine doesn’t do straight up fruit at home, but seem to eat it all at nursery


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