8 months is pretty normal for them to still have all their milk. When they’re fully established on 3 meals and you reach around the 10m mark, you’ll probably see them drop in their bottle intake. Especially when they move from purées to actual food.
You don't want to drop milk intake yet. It's the main nutrition source until one.
My baby is only 4 months and I give purée once a day. I give her 2-4 oz depending on if she’s crying for more and then bathe her and give her the same amount of milk. She either drinks her usual which is 3oz or sometimes she finishes the full 4. I believe they say breast milk and formula should be their primary source of nutrients until they are 1.
“Food before 1 is just for fun”. A little rhyme that helps me. I usually do milk first and then purées. Just to make sure he’s getting enough.
NO! Milk should be the first form of nutrition until they are 1. You should never skip a bottle in favor of food before age 1.
Not just purées. By 8 months, baby should be exploring all foods and definitely at least one meal and one snack a day. Offer the food first and keep offering the same amount of milk throughout the rest of the day.
Mine has no teeth so I don't put pressure on myself with solids. My family have been telling us were supposed to do 3 meals a day but I do 1 puree a day maybe 3 and about 30oz max of formula a day. He is 90th percentile.
@ash you don’t need to wait for teeth. They use their gums to chew (as they’re pretty solid). Anything from 6m+, they can start eating as long as they have core control.
I’m breastfeeding until 2 years so I’m not too sure but I’m reading in on the comments to look at answers
Milk to supposed to be their main source of nutrition and offered prior to purées until 12m
@ash you don’t need teeth to start solids. It’s all based on development and the amount of meals is usually based around their age and appetite.
@Raquel there’s nothing wrong with this, it just changes to being supplemental to solids
This is a super helpful resource for a lot of your questions! https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/healthy-baby/art-20046200 I worked in childcare for about 5 years and met so many great feeding/speech specialists who worked with kids and taught me about these things and I am so grateful. A lot of parents wish they would have asked these questions later on, so it’s awesome you’re asking. There are a lot of opinions out there that will tell you what to do, but there is a lot of great research now. A lot of it is just to keep doing what you’re doing, but to continue introducing new/and previously offered foods and know when you should be concerned or not ☺️
I’m sure they’re still meant to get most of their nutrients from milk until they’re 1 so I just give her food and then offer milk, mines 8.5 months old and hasn’t decreased in oz yet but she can sometimes go slightly longer between feeds lol, your baby will leave whatever she doesn’t need though but for now if she’s drinking what you offer i’d say keep at it :)