
My little girl is 6 months and we started weaning a week ago. She seemed really ready staring at us eat and sometimes trying to take stuff off our plates obviously alongside the other indicators for weaning eg sitting up. We have been doing veg purees and finger foods and have been letting her explore the food but she barely puts anything in her mouth maybe less than half a teaspoon and that mainly gets spat out. I've tried a spoon but she just grabs it and wants to play with it which I let her do but again no success in much going in her mouth. I eat with her as well. I know it's normal for them to not have loads to start with but I can't help seeing other babies having spoonfuls/fistfuls of food and it's hard not to stress. Anybody else experiencing this?
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Don't ever compare your baby to others. She has her own weaning journey. If she's exploring, then that's all she needs to do right now. Sometimes, it can take 15 to 20 times of offering them food for them to actually eat it. Keep trying and be consistent. You're doing great!

Food before 1 is just for fun! That’s a saying I keep hearing. We have been weaning for a couple of weeks and whilst she puts most things in her mouth, she doesn’t swallow very much 😅 she seems to bite bits off and then spit it out 🤦🏼‍♀️ just stick with it, it’s all very normal and she will get there ☺️

My LG was the same with veg purees. She spat most of them out. Tried her with an ellas kitchen veg pouch, and she ate half of that with barely any spitting out. Since then, I've been giving her the heinz jars with a wafer and the baby crisp type things so she can practice herself. I spoonfeed the jar, and she eats pretty much all of it!

Very very normal! At this stage it’s all about practice, and you’re doing all the right things so keep at it ❤️ They will slowly transition between now and 1y/o from getting most of their calories from milk to getting it from food and there will be ups & downs along the way. It’s definitely not the majority who are scarfing down food at 6 months I promise you 😅

Don’t worry! First month is not about quantity but the routine of getting to the table familiarize with food, spoon etc. maybe the other 6mo babies were actually stated with purées at 4 mo. I noticed some families start earlier.

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