How old is she?
Have you tried FoodNerd mega puffs? They contain 100% of a child’s daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in 1 bag - but they are deliciously disgusted a crunchy puffs (so kids actually eat them). My sons loves them and have been eating a bag a day for 2 years 🙏🏼
My toddler is the same. She refuses to eat anything but chips, muffins and strawberries. Anything else she screams at the top of her lungs
I recommend reaching out to a feeding therapist! Many speech-language pathologists work on this and are such a big help.
@Kaitlyn my son is the exact same way..same thing over and over
My son is THE EXACT SAME WAY. He went thru a phase where all he would eat was fries and pouches so we started mixing potatoes into other food combinations and flavor combinations till he got tired of it. now he still loves potatoes but it’s not the only thing he will eat.
@Tasha almost 3
@Kaitlyn glad I’m not the only one
My kids like spaghetti so I'll sneak carrots, spinach, celery into the sauce (saute and blend into the sauce). Sometimes you just have to sneak stuff in. Or have them help you make things. I feel like my 2 y.o. is more eager to eat things she help make.
So toddlers actually are learning different tastes and textures and all kinds of things with food so a lot of times they’ll focus on a particular food category. Don’t stress, offer healthy options and let her choose🩵🩵🩵