Sudden fussy eater

My 10 month old has suddenly become a really fussy eater. He has always eaten well since we weaned him when he was 5.5 months. He has 3 meals a day and would eat basically anything we gave him, but in the last week he has just stopped eating anything unless it is fruit or snacks (veggie straws, melty puffs etc). He will occasionally have a bit of toast but only a couple of mouthfuls at best. He has a cold at the moment so I’m wondering if that’s the reason why he’s suddenly refusing his solids. Or could it be his teeth? It’s really unlike him. We’ve never had this before when he’s not been well or had teeth cutting. I’m just a bit worried as he’s not getting much formula anymore due to having 3 meals and snacks a day.
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Same happened to us when our boy was teething plus got ill. Barely ate, but now is back to normal!

I’m on my first baby so no pro but her eating is up and down. I have lots of nieces and nephews who went through multiple phases of being more or less interested, try not to worry and keep offering a variety - I know this is really hard. One of the baby books I read said that a lot of babies eat anything until 1 and they become much more selective so I think we have a lot of ups and downs ahead. Best of luck with it.

I could have wrote this word for word. I’m certain it’s when they’re poorly; my twins have recently had Roseola one after the other and both were off their food as they developed the illness. It’s been about a week since one was better and she is eating like a horse again, and the other has started to feel better today and has eaten a little bit, they did pick up a night feed during this time which they typically do to compensate for the lack of food in the day. They are similar when teething peaks. Try not to worry about the food, they’ll be fine for a short period. You could try giving Greek yoghurt/ extra yoghurt as is high in protein and easier to eat, often soothing when cold.

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