Come On Now

What dad doesn't know what their child eats without the mom having to tell him? 🤔🙄
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We just started purées and solids with our little one. I’m sure my husband has no idea how to prepare or how much to give. But I think he knows what our son has had lol.

@Alana Mines doesn't know anything at all smh

Most of them don’t. They don’t have the same instincts like moms do.

@Kaylla I honestly feel like it’s more common than we think. The moms are usually home more and do that sort of thing. Make the shopping lists and stuff. Not that it makes it acceptable. I believe men should be more involved and engaged. I just think it’s sorta a product of our society and norms.

@Alana He's not at all. Don't see them or talk to them at all. Am I wrong?

@Alana And He Doesn't Ask At All

@Kaylla no you’re not wrong, you’re entitled to your feelings. You want an engaged father and a partner to raise these kids. It’s totally valid. I would speak to him about it.

A disinterested one. The care of kids should be equal between the parents. Do not believe to the ones that says "it's normal, it's a mom job. Mothers have more instincts" bull@hit. My partner knows exactly how to prepare the food for my son and I don't have to explain to him because we both followed the same courses, we both buy groceries and we both cook. It's not my job to feed my son, it's our job to care for him.

@Dee moms don’t have the magic instinct either, we just usually do the things and therefore, learn. Keeping this instinct lie is just making excuses for uninvolved dads

@Eileen we naturally have a better instinct than dads do. We have a more caring personality. That being said it’s not for all of us. But we carry the baby with us for 9 months and we get mentally prepared for this while the dads don’t actually start thinking about it until the baby is there. Not excusing them at all. My partner has actually learned a lot since he’s been home with us as she grows up but not all dads can afford to stay home so they don’t do the same thing. I’m speaking from experience too. They can choose to learn and get better at it. There is some stay at home dads that are better than the moms. But rare cases.

Mine sometimes knows. For example, he still thinks that our son likes chicken and meat. Our son barely eats that

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