Seems like I’m always the unpopular opinion and I know I’m gonna be this time too, but personally, I told everyone immediately. I was just so happy to be pregnant again that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I literally posted it to fb the day I got my early ultrasound at 6 weeks and they confirmed a healthy heartbeat. But I completely understand people not wanting to share til the second trimester. I’m just a chronic over-sharer lol 😂 but for reference I had my mc Feb 11th last year and got pregnant end of August but didn’t find out til late September. It’s a true miracle cause I never got a positive lh surge in August…while I was testing anyway. Think I stopped testing around cycle day 21 or 22 but CLEARLY I ovulated after that 😅 So when I was doing my lh tests in sept from the day I started testing I got a “peak” result that lasted for 9 freaking days! Til i finally found out I was pregs and then a 9 day “peak” made sense lol 😂
I told family and close friends right away, as i would rather have everyone by my side in case anything happens, than have to go through it alone x
@Ziedune that's such a good point ,my mum and dad do know but they have been pushing it on me to wait longer it annoying because I got some many comments last year from my family saying I told them too early then weeks later I misscarried and honestly I'm not sure why they feel the need to tell me when to say it to people ,my mum's says stuff like just wait till the ultrasound because you don't wanna be too excited it always makes me go ughhh 🙄😂😂 Like I wanna be excited and my partner is the only one making me feel heard about this and you guys ovs ♥️
Congratulations! I told my mom and sisters as soon as I found out as they were the only things that got be through my miscarriage at 12 weeks but aside from that I don’t feel I want to share this pregnancy with anyone until baby is here tbh😂we are going to share with my partners family at about 20 weeks xx
I waited till 18-20 weeks
I waited until NIPT and neural tube defects test results before telling my closest frnz. Waited until anatomy scan before telling parents/immediate family. Even i was a bit pessimistic after miscarriage and wanted to be really sure and not put family through the same grief.
I’ll definitely be telling my best friend like a week in or less. She was my rock when I miscarried last time and I know I’ll need to talk through everything whichever way it goes probably tell my mum and sister in law fairly early too.
Even after soo many losses I told my mum and my best friend who is also my GP. Whatever happens good or bad they were both there for me. Anyone outside they maybe I would wait till 16 weeks but that’s my personal opinion I just don’t want people knowing my bussiness. But do what you feel comfortable with ❤️
@Dani Marie
Don’t stress yourself out about those tests getting lighter. Idk what exactly the hook effect is or how exactly it works but I tried to do a lil bit of line progression myself and the lines were also getting lighter so I was CONVINCED I was gonna have another MC so I scheduled an emergency appointment with my OB that day and told her what was going on and she said, “you already know you’re pregnant…why are you still testing?” 🙄 and I told her cause I had just had a MC in Feb to which she replied “you JUST had a PERFECTLY healthy ultrasound a few days ago. We have no reason to believe you’re gonna miscarry again.” And I’m currently 25 weeks 2 days pregnant with a seemingly very healthy baby boy 🩵👏🏼🙏🏼🥹🫶🏼👍🏼 Best wishes and prayers for a sticky baby 🩵🙏🏼🫶🏼🤗
@Dani Marie thank you ,that gives me some hope I really hope your right♥️♥️I'll update here soon x
We told my family we were pregnant and then mc shortly after. At first I was upset with myself for telling everyone earlier. But with some wise counsel from my friend, I came to the conclusion that even though it was a brief time, I was glad I celebrated the life of that baby. And it was hard telling people after the fact, but it was also nice to have a community that supported me and checked in on me during such a hard time.
Yaaaaay! I’m so happy for you, girl! Ya the tests that we’re doing it to me were the easy @ home SUPER cheapies lol,
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@Dani Marie the previous tests I used where like £1.25 each ,this clearblue was £8 and I have heard the hook effect doesn't really effect clearblue as much as it has a better dye inside than the cheaper test xx
Oh that’s good to know for my next pregnancy!
But what IS the hook effect? 🤷🏼♀️
@Dani Marie after 6 weeks after your HCG is high certain tests won't like the high amount of hormone so it makes it not work properly,the cheap tests aren't really showing up very well ,but other tests that I have done like clearblue I have still got a dye stealer ,I know clearblue doesn't have a good rep but hook effect doesn't effect ALL tests it effects only a couple of brands ,mainly cheaper tests as it cannot handle the amount of hormone to dye ratio
Congratulations mama 🫶🏻🤗 We told my Mum and Dad as soon as we found out and I’ve told close friends this week (I’m 5w2d) We have had a long 2.5 year IVF journey and had our first pregnancy ended in a loss in August last year. So I decided I’m not waiting until 12 weeks and going to celebrate every day of this pregnancy ❤️ Will tell more people once we’ve had our early scan at 7weeks xx