My LO has been on purees for almost a month now and still only takes about 5/6 spoonfuls (unless it's avocado, she'll go to town 😂) x
We had to start early under the guidance of a pediatrician due to her allergies so unfortunately had to start with puree rather than finger foods - she would have just less then half a pouch or one ‘cube’ of defrosted homemade puree. Now she’s 6 months we’re on to finger foods but she’s not taking to it like my first did and is just having tastes rather than bites. They’re all different so just keep at it!
With finger foods how do you do it please as they don't know how to swallow food properly? Scared of choking
Cut them into strips, if you are able to mash it between your thumb and index finger with ease then baby will be able to chew it, if they are gagging and making noise it's scary but they are fine, if they go blue and silent then they are choking but gagging is completely normal
If served properly finger foods are just as safe as puree! In fact to your point with swallowing, the earlier they are introduced the more practice they will have with swallowing rather than babies who start on puree only and then have to learn later anyway. Solid Starts is a great free app to see how to safely offer each food, basis being that large soft things are the best to start with
Also recommend doing an online or in person course for baby first aid. Again there’s no bigger risk with giving finger foods than puree as long as you’re giving it properly, but it really helps with peace of mind either way
Download the Solid Starts app, it tells you how to correctly serve different foods at different ages
Food before one is just for fun! They arem't expected to be having meals at all, but if she wants the whole pouch, I say crack on. 😋