We started with baby rice with normal formula to begin with so the taste was the same but got used to swallowing food. Then we started adding a few spoons of puree to the baby rice to add flavour. We started on veg first but she’s still not a fan and prefers the fruit🤣
I’ve got a book “how to wean your baby” that I’m following. Starting off with individual vegetables - puréed as well as finger food. But it’s a helpful book for all the info x
@Becky Hi Becky what is the book called?
It’s called How to Wean Your Baby by Charlotte Reed
Baby rice has no nutritional value so I personally wouldn't bother with it as it just fills space you want filling with breastmilk or formula.
Feeding littles and solid starts are fantastic resources on Instagram
Jump straight to veg, one each day and just continue on till he’s tried the ones you want him too and then move onto fruit. I then made some meals with fruits and veg and did 2 meals a day with those after a month and then introduced pasta and rice and meat etc x
Honestly we started with food teethers like a chicken leg bone, pineapple core, mango pit and then we started giving him fruits,vegetables and meats cut appropriately to his age (not all together but slowly). Solid starts is a good guide. We also avoided carbs till his molars were coming in because of the absence of ptyalin which helps us digest them.
We started with 3 spoonfuls of the same puree for 3 days to keep an eye out for allergies then tried a different one for 3 days. I didn't start with breakfast as that made her full and be sick throughout the day, so this was the last meal I introduced, breastmilk was enough for breakfast for a while. We avoided baby rice because of the natural arsenic found in it from the environment. We use baby oats now mixed with fresh or frozen blueberries to make it purple. I was going to blend my own but I found the store bought baby oats contain more vitamins than normal oats do and you can just add water to baby oats. If you work on 1 meal at 6 months, 2 meals at 7 months and introduce meal 3 at 8 months, then baby will be on 3 meals a day at 9 months. Obviously it depends on your baby and their readiness. We began with puree and then introduced mashed food at 7 months x
We found our formula company made their own porridge but you can do the same with ready break with formula/breast milk I found using that instead of cows milk to start with was good as it was a familiar taste 🙂 we used purées to start with veg wise as I wasn’t brave enough for big solids 😅