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Our 15 month old has gone so fussy with food, she refuses pretty much everything. We've had to buy pureed food to get something in her 🤦🏼‍♀️ she is still having milk but won't have much else! She does seem to be teething so I'm guessing it is that. Anyone else had similar?
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We’re out of it again (for now) but had a few weeks of this after jabs combined with teeth, it was mostly wafers, pancakes, fruit yoghurt and purees 😵‍💫 Definitely a phase Im sure!

I am currently going through this with my son. He’s refusing everything pretty much. Not even purées. I try to give him finger foods and he eats a tiny bit and the rest he throws on the floor so I just breastfeed him more to make sure he has something in him

Have you tried the 12+ food meals? They're mostly mush with lumps x

@Sophie Yeah we do buy them, she will maybe have two spoonfuls and that is it 🫠 pointless cooking meals at the moment haha!

I feel like a terrible mum cause that's mostly what mine lives off. Sandwiches aswell. And weetabix lol x

It use to stress me a lot at the beginning. But then I realised that it will go away eventually. Whenever my LB was teeing or wasn’t feeling well he refused food. Luckily enough milk was always preference. So I increased milk intake. once he was ok and started to eat normally then I cut off milk during the day. I’ve done it a few times and it works for us. And I am sure it’s not out last time.

I’ve been having the same problem must be a phase. He does still have quite a lot of milk but I couldn’t cut it down cos he’d be miserable and I never give it to him before trying him with a meal. He’s also not been well recently.

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