@Amy what is HV? I’ve spoken to his pediatrician and he said that for now he’s fine and don’t force him but at a year, he should be eating some sort of solid food.
It could be ARFID which is as u described
@Emily do you know if there is any way to help him at this age?
HV is health visitor. They say it takes multiple tries of the same food before babies like it, keep offering the same options on the plate x
I sure there is this eating type of therapy at that age. A lot of doctors dont know what ARFID is so be prepared
I vote ask for feeding therapy. It helped so much with my oldest.
Sorry just reread your what you wrote. If your husband had this issue I’d consider that a starting point. Maybe consider Occupational therapy could help if there’s sensory stuff going on
Also consider getting evaluated by speech therapist to double check for tongue tie or oral weakness.
@Julia he had a tongue tie at birth it was fixed
If you have concerns, then raise them with his paediatrician. Something I'd suggest is to have food available to him on the table but not in front of him, kinda like it's for everyone but close enough that he could reach it if he wanted to. Think of a Charcuterie type thing. Then whoever is eating with you just focus on each other and him while eating, don't bring focus to the food. He may end up reaching for it himself. Do the same on a coffee table if he is able to stand up at it. Same set up, but food is not focused on. It's just there. Make sure you are offering food at times he isn't due for a bottle, but maybe at least peckish. It might help, it might not. You are an amazing mumma!
You're not being ridiculous, you're a concerned mum 😊 You might be right, but unfortunately it is too early to tell so I'd keep this in the back if your mind as baby is still young and may change. Have you spoken to the HV about the eating? They should be able to point you in the right direction for hints and tips