Struggling with having a preemie at 33 weeks 4 days

My due date was March 16th and my daughter was born 33 weeks 4 days weighting 3 ibs 12 oz currently in the nicu she has made some great progress was on oxygen and Iv fluids first 48 hours she is still on feeding tube and they give her caffeine daily she is now gaining weight taking 26% of her feeds by breast or bottle they also added human milk fortifier to help with calories the part I struggle with is seeing laboring moms knowing in my head I would be 35 weeks right now I was on magnesium for two days and given beta shots to help her lungs I tried my best to keep her inside but my body was fighting the magnesium a hour and half before they stopped magnesium my labor picked back up I was 8 centimeter 80% effaced did any other moms struggle with the mental load of having babies before 36 weeks and how hard it was knowing you didn’t make it to 36 weeks or longer
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i’m so sorry you’re struggling with these thoughts. please consider talking to your doctor about PPD/PPA as it truly can be overwhelming. the “what ifs” can haunt you for sure, but try to take comfort in the fact that you truly did nothing wrong. i had my daughter just before 36 weeks and it was so hard to see her so tiny and having to wear goggles and sit on a blue light all day, doing heel pricks for blood draws every few hours. it was hard, AND… it ended eventually! she grew stronger and stronger and is now a healthy one year old! this too shall pass. give yourself some grace!!!

Thank you this is my second baby I had iugr and poly hydramios til 32 weeks this pregnancy with my first daughter she had iugr til 28 weeks and was born right at 37 weeks

Yes, I’ve been there when I gave birth at 28 weeks. Sounds like you have a strong little lady. I totally understand the emotional side of the NICU lifestyle.

Sending so much love! I had my baby at 33 weeks even back in December born at 4lbs7oz he spent 16 days in nicu. Each day was progress. Pray everyday over that precious baby! You got this mama

I went into labor with my twins at 32 weeks, now they would be 36 weeks which is when I would have had my planned c section. My twins are making progress and one is getting close to being able to come home. At first they were telling me to plan on them staying at least until my due date, which would be another four weeks and the wait seems so long... Plus I only have 12 weeks maternity leave and feel awful about spending 8 of them just visiting the hospital. I hope your daughter makes fast progress and can come home soon!

I've been there too. Our baby came at 28 weeks and I felt a lot of guilt and a bit 'jealous' of moms who got to be pregnant and experience the 3rd trimester because I don't know what its like. I was quite teary and emotional but after a while I realized I needed help as it was likely PPD. I'm now on meds that have helped me handle the thoughts more calmly. I was able to process them more logically too and realised that this is exactly the way he was meant to come. After a long while of feeling sad, I was able to be grateful for his good health.

I wish I had some words of encouragement. I just had my baby boy on 2/2 at 32 weeks do due acute fatty liver of pregnancy. It’s so hard. Prayers to you momma this is only temporary ❤️

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