Honestly I really wouldn’t worry! My daughter hated tummy time on the floor until she was around 4 months! I just used to place her on my chest as that counts too. Once she started to get stronger with neck control, she enjoyed the floor more. We did had a play mat that had a light up/musical piano on that we used to have her facing during tummy time which she did enjoy!
Tummy time doesn't have to be on the floor. It's whenever baby is working on developing their neck muscles. You can have them on your chest, carry them etc
Don’t force it right now baby is still small and can do tummy time on your chest and just do 5 min a day on floor and can even do the bed which I prefer when baby is so small on and rest on your chest or lap is good for baby . My son just starred to enjoy tummy time and he’s 7 months and he barely rolls now completely and he learned fast within a week now that his body is ready he is more alert and aware of everything . When they are so small all they want is to be eating and loved on you’re doing amazing. Enjoy those little moments.
I worry about that too with my baby. He hates tummy time, so what we've done is lay mostly back in a recliner and put him on our chest. He's done the best this way. He's 3 month old and has no interest in rolling over, but he's gained enough core strength to almost completely pull himself upright to sit