Has anyone used a multi vitamin for your toddler

My 13 month old is not a big fan of most vegetables and will really only eat them if they have cheese on them I’ve tried lots of different ways of serving them the only ones I can get him to eat are broccoli sweet potatoes carrots green beans corn and regular potatoes I’m worried that he’s not getting everything he needs I added a picture of the one I’m looking at wondering if anyone has used it before and if it was a good one or not the reviews were really good on Amazon
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Yup we give ours a liquid multivitamin and probiotics because he has a limited diet.

I wouldn’t recommend giving vitamins to a baby unless there’s a confirmed deficiency diagnosed through a blood test and your doctor has advised supplementation. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), most healthy, full-term babies get all the nutrients they need from breast milk or formula in the first year of life. Babies’ bodies are still developing, and their kidneys and liver are immature, meaning they process substances differently than adults. Overloading them with unnecessary vitamins or supplements could put extra strain on these organs. Unless medically necessary, it’s best to let their natural diet support their growth.

I use Mary Ruth but the red one. My son wa slow on iron and I don’t want to give the prescription his doctor gave me it was a hard iron pill so we supplemented with a multivitamin instead I made the mistake of not knowing that calcium combats the absorption of iron rich foods

I use Smarty Pants multivitamin gummy’s they have the top rating what I’ve read

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