I’d just keep trying as it’s the only way she’s going to get used to foods and textures. I obviously wouldn’t force my LO to eat anything for but the first two weeks most would end up on the floor. It also took that two weeks to learn how to swallow food too so maybe your LG is also just adjusting and learning to do that. Don’t get me wrong he’s still not amazing at chewing but he’s certainly a lot better and actually eating things now.
Being interested in food is not necessarily a sign babies are ready to wean as they have not established their taste yet. It's more an inquisitive thing. Providing your little one can hold themselves up and is able to bring their hand to their mouth then they are ready. It's very normal for babies to shudder and spit out most food. At this stage it's sensory overload, flavours, texture temperature. Their little minds are blown ! Don't give up. Keep persevering. It also takes babies quite a lot of tries before they decide if they like it. It could be the 10th try before they decide they like it. Never try to force anything. Mostly I use preloaded spoons and finger food. Sometimes I will hold both in front of her and see what she grabs, and then she naturally gets to bring it to her mouth. My baby shudders for food she likes and dislikes. You are doing well! Ignore the comparison on social media or other mums. Every baby is different and you will learn what works for your baby.
My lo was the same at the start but he’s getting the hang of it. He used to hate avocado but I put it on toast and now he loves it😅
Lol my girl was similar to start with. She would put everything in her mouth and then gag and then do it again (it was hilarious tbf). It eased after about a week and now it’s only occasionally with something new ☺️
Have you tried giving her the same as what you’re having to see if it makes a difference?x