Baby isn't putting food in mouth

We waited a bit longer than most to start weaning our baby because baby wasn't ready yet. We were now told by a GP that we have to start due to potential allergies. We've been trying for about a week but baby just isn't into it. They will push the food away from them, maybe put their hand in for one second, then start crying. If we put it on a spoon and hold it to their mouth, they just press their lips shut. Baby also doesn't like being upright, so will get tired after just 5 or so seconds and start crying. I don't want to force it and I think baby isn't ready yet, but we have a follow up GP appointment in three weeks and were told to introduce allergens as soon as possible and as soon as baby is used to textures and before the next appointment. So there is a lot of pressure and I'm trying (but probably failing tbh) not to let baby feel this. How can I make this more enjoyable and get baby to be more interested in food? Baby is almost 7 months.
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For nut allergies, you can try mixing a little in their milk. My son has a severe cashew allergy and we're in a desensitisation program, every day we mix a little cashew milk in with his regular milk. We've also done a tiny bit of walnut oil on a spoon, you can try dipping the tip of a bottle in the oil. (I use walnut oil to treat all the wooden utensils and cutting boards). I wouldn't push too hard with the food if your baby doesn't have any interest. Have been spacing out the food 2hr between bottles? (Ie bottle at 7, food at 9 , bottle at 11)If you're giving food too close to when they just finished a bottle they won't be hungry to eat any food. Other allergens I blended with a little breastmilk and a food I know he liked (beef, pumpkin, peas) in my ninja and served it that way. You can also try giving them the spoon to hold.

@Ellie thank you for all this! Sorry to hear about the severe cashew allergy and thank you for the tips! We've given baby a spoon with a bit of food on and baby just turned it around and used the other end of the spoon as a teether 🤣. I think part of the problem is that it's difficult to do it at a time when baby isn't tired, hungry, or full. Baby often still eats every hour or more often and seems to constantly be tired, even 10 mins after a 2 hr nap

You just need to make sure you are giving the food when they are not tired. Otherwise, they won't be interested.

Mine was the same and he only started taking food into his mouth at 13 months. He hated touching food and was always refusing it. I started off by giving him dry food and then moved onto soft and mashed food

How old is your baby ? Just keep offering And try to offer when he is hungry

They are younger than one, just give yourself some grace and keep offering. Food before one is just for fun :) If you’re feeling pressed by your GP you could have a few other visits to find a better fit for you!

@Rachel yeah, I fond that so difficult. Baby seems to constantly be yawning and rubbing their face, even shortly after a nap. Will keep trying though

@Gizem 13 months, wow! Thank you for sharing! I'll try dry food if this doesn't work

@Louma 7 months

@Alyssa yeah, I was wondering about a different GP. It's just that he's the first who took us seriously and seems to know what he's talking about. But I still won't put pressure on my baby

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