
Any other March 22 baby need to have one?
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My March 22 babies don't need one, but i think my Nov 19 baby might need one. She sees the ent dr in April. Her allergy dr said her tonsils are almost touching and she snores like no other!

@Hillary saw the ENT today and that's what we were told. He just had adenoids and ear tubes placed last April. But he's got the awful snoring, mouth breathing, constantly congested, picks up every single bug (since October he's had strep twice, pneumonia and influenza a), plus they are almost touching too!

@Kira Oh my goodess!! We've been lucky enough but to catch all the bugs, but she is constantly congested, heavy mouth breather and snores so loud so the time! We've been waiting since like September of last year for her appt. They were scheduling 7 months out and I just took what I could to get her in.

My March 7,2022 son did not need his tonsils removed but he just had surgery yesterday to get his adenoids removed and tubes in both of his ears due to chronic ear infections where antibiotics weren’t helping anymore. His DR said his tonsils right now were not part of the issue

Oh yeah it's crazy here too! After his double strep we realized we needed an ENT follow up, I called and they were like "well we just had a last minute cancellation for next week, want it? Otherwise it will be 9 months!!!" We took it obviously. And then the ENT himself was nice enough to work with the nurses to squeeze us in 3 months later to see if the tonsils reduced after the strep. Our ped did say that you don't necessarily HAVE to go to a pediatric specialist for ENT, that a general would do fine and usually have less wait

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