
I don’t get the whole when baby starts watching u eat or grab at your food they’re ready for solids bit. My lo grabs everything and put it to her mouth regardless of its food or not and she also watches me all the time even if I’m not eating. So how do I know the difference? Because she’s doing that since 3 months so is she ready for solids at 3 months? No right? Someone please enlighten me.
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well its not just that. it’s more so they’re interested. like my baby boy eyes my food and when i bring it to my mouth to eat. he drools harder and smacks his mouth. sometimes he babbles if i don’t let him try some of what i have (bc i usually do depending on what i have) he could be sleep and smell when i have food and wake up to see what i have 😂😂 but yes your baby girl isn’t quite ready for anything at 3 months. maybe next month introduce purées, my doctor gave me the ok at month 4.

@Sequoia okay I guess that makes sense. She’s already eating purées (got the go ahead from dr too) I was just curious about that

ok thats good! my baby boy isnt too fond of the purées right now! 😭 i still keep trying though..are you using fresh fruits and veggies or the jars ones for yours?

@Sequoia the store bought. She eats the whole thing which is 4oz. Don’t give up he’ll eat it soon. I want to start baby led weaning now that she’s 5 months so I just bought some strawberries

oh wooow thats so good 🥹 she’s a big baby will be 5 months on Sunday too

@Sequoia my baby did the same thing and Dr gave me the okay at 4 months to do solids. He has been a happier boy and feel better that he can join us for dinner

@Gen aww 🥰 i love that

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