We took our boy camping at four months, in the summer. I spent all three nights worrying about the temperature and barely sleeping but he enjoyed it 😅
My lo one was 7 months when we first took her camping but tbh that was just because that’s when it was first warm enough! I would have taken her at 3 months if the weather allowed, and honestly I think it would have been easier at that age as they sleep 😂 I took a travel cot with me, depending on the type of pram you have they may be able to sleep in that overnight - I have the bugaboo fox 5 which is approved for overnight sleeping && was amazing for trips away when she was still small enough for the bassinet!
Ours was 8 month but only because he was born in October and we had to wait until summer. It’s never too early for the great outdoors imho!
@Meredith 😂😂 oh dear lol I like the idea of taking the thermometer to keep an eye!
@Afton thanks ☺️ will have a look into the nightlight thermometer
Ok great thanks for all the comments giving me some confidence that it’s doable 😀
I don't think it's too soon. I took my son to a camping pod when he was 10 weeks old as it was still a bit cold, and then under canvas at 4 months. We had him in a travel cot/bassinet off the ground. Lots of layers to put on / take off as needed. I took a nightlight thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature overnight and would adjust his layers if needed. Through the day, he was happy just lying on a picnic blanket with a few toys. It was easy at that age and he slept really well. Have fun!