We got the Okaay to start purées at 4m. We were told he can have anything except allergens as long as it was puréed with some of his formula. He eats a lot now! I’ve also started doing mashed foods with small chunks, before we start BLW. I’m told it teaches them how to chew and so far it’s been good .
Just because they said you can doesn't mean u have to. Don't feed actual solids until he can sot unassisted as big risk of choking otherwise but if u want you can start introducing purees. However evidence shows that weaning doesn't get a baby to sleep through the night this is old fashion advice so if ur doing it for the sole purpose of attempting to get him to sleep more chances are you won't experience that at all. I go to baby groups with quite a few babies who are all between 6-10 months all eating solids and not a single one of them sleeps through the night and most only go about 4-5hrs in between feeds at night but there babies were also doing that before they weaned to. Sleeping is purely on a baby by baby basis it's not something you can make them do by giving food. Until they are about 9 months old they don't actually consume anywhere near enough food for them it to make any difference to there diet or replace a bottle. The first few months is all just sensory play and exploring not actual substance
Eating solids won't necessarily help with sleep, it didn't with either of my other two children. Personally unless I was advised by an actual dietician to early wean for a medical reason I wouldn't and if you don't feel 100 percent about it you don't have to either.
We started our LO at 4 months advised by dietitian if he was ready which he was. We just do small amounts of fruit or vegetables between his 11 and 2 o’clock feed and he’s loving the food! Now wants everything we have. We got a dummy that food goes into which he uses and loves