Agree with the previous commenter. Sounds like braxton hicks. Definitely ring your delivery team if you have a bloody show, increasing pain with regular intervals, or you notice your water has broken! Otherwise, they're harmless and normal; just your body practicing and planning for the main event. ☺️
If it’s constant it can be your body going into labor, my ob told me Braxton hicks are irregular and sporadic..if you haven’t already try timing in between to see how often it’s happening and for how long
I’ve also had this off and on for a few weeks. I don’t think it’s Braxton hicks bc the tightness is constant for me (like most of the evening). I think it’s just gas/full tummy and the fact that she’s squished up against the top of my uterus and my abs can’t stretch anymore.
Braxton Hicks or early labor. Give your OB a call.
Sounds like braxton hicks/maybe labour!