From my first child someone said to me to hold off until close to 6 months. Do proper purées for a week or two and then move to lumper foods and offer baby lead weaning options. It worked for both my children but unsure what advice I could give. I would maybe ask your HV.
What about melty snacks? Rice crackers, baby snacks in general as a gateway? They can self feed so no pressure but if they are always about they might get tempted.
We have seen a dietician who isn't concerned. Hv don't seem concerned either. He just cries and cries if I offer him anything with a slightly thick texture or with bits where he would need to chew. He has 6 teeth too.
My baby was the same up untill 10 months then one day i just stopped purees totally and woke up with solids breakfast that day, just sat him in the high chair and left everything infront of him, started doing that he started picking up eating himself as he was very bad anything lumpy he would spit it out, i was worried he wouldn’t eat solids would be fussy but at 10 month i thought no i cant do that keep him on purees, and he is such a good eater now at 12 months and honestly it only took him a couple days, when baby is hungry they will eat, but for that you need to totally stop puree food. If you follow the BLW group on facebook you would understand how to do it.
Yes my little one is exact same still eats like a 4 month old and so so so fussy xx