Please tell me I’m not the only one

I have had the worst luck over the last 2 years. I seriously need to break the cycle but how?? To show I’m not overreacting this is my last 2 years… December 2022, found out my dog has cancer. This led me to have to work from home until he sadly passed away the following September. November 2023, had our wonderful baby but it was a traumatic birth. December 2023, baby gets Covid- had we been anywhere - no, just a random visitor brought it to the house. This then led to our baby, me and husband all with Covid (husband’s first time). He nearly had an ambulance called out to him and I ended up in hospital with suspected appendicitis - turns out it’s a Covid thing that mimics appendicitis… who knew! January 2024- I develop Pupps- something usually experienced in pregnancy but I’m one of the lucky ones that gets it after March 2024- I fall down the stairs holding baby. Baby is fine but I have to go for an xray on my foot which turns out to be soft tissue damage. April 2024- I develop ‘mummy’s wrist’ and now can’t do pretty much anything with my right hand for about 6 months. July 2024- go back to work to find my manager is off sick and they’ve brought in someone to manage the team I technically should now be managing.. this goes on until December. December 2024- I experience symptoms of a detached retina. Go to hospital and am left to sit for 9 hours whilst the macula detached and oh yes that means bye bye any chance of regaining my sight again. One major eye surgery later and an overnight stay (because my blood pressure wouldn’t stop going through the toilet) and I’m not blind but my right eye is basically screwed. And I’m off work for 2 months. January 2025- find out my sisters dog died suddenly. I get a horrific cold that takes me, baby and hubby down just in time for our annual leave! Oh and finally February 2025- have had the cold (plague) for almost 3 weeks now and today I’ve developed conjunctivitis in my left eye… you know, the one I depend on to see out of.. Oh and my mum is having tests for liver issues/cancer… is she an alcoholic-no. How often does she drink- barely ever. Seriously, what is going on? I’m Not a bad person, the job I do literally saves lives. What is going on?? I feel like my horrid luck has a ripple effect on those around me. 🙈
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Wow.. I'd buy a lottery ticket if I were you, it sounds like you're owed some good karma 😂 In all seriousness though, that truly sucks!!! Hope things get better for you ❤️

I don't mean to be THAT person because when I do say things like this because people assume I "think I have it all figured out" but I truly believe everything surrounds vibration. Everything you've encountered iv encountered similar. 4 passings, many sicknesses, child diagnosed with liver condition,2 cats passed, someone stole our car, broke into our home, restaurant we worked at got robbed, family stole my s.s number, sprained my ankle and maybe a few other things.... And this was all within the span of 5 years!!!!! When you're in a low vibrational state around other low vibrational beings bad things happen WAY more often than they need to. Because stress, worry, anxiety, depression sends our bodies onto constant fight or flight mode our immune systems our weaker so just hearing bad news can take a toll on the body. The same goes for other people, animals and plants. Plants don't thrive as well in low vibrational places compared to high vibrational plants. The science is all there!

As far as the things we CANT control, negative vibrations can attract negative vibrations. So if you are feeling down, depressed and anxious all the time it attracts what you release. So I removed us from a lot of negative people and places. We changed a lot of things in our home. Like how we speak and our mindsets towards others, beliefs and life. I won't say "bad" things don't happen. But they don't happen as frequently. And with a different mindset we view these things a little bit more easily than we did before. Purposely staying mindful of negative things around you and keeping yourself in balance is very helpful.

@Emma 🌱 funnily enough my husband bought a scratch card thinking the same…. And he won his money back 🙈

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