Sweets and juice

Have you gave sweets and juice to the toddlers, yet? And if you did, why did you? I am genuinely curious. I haven’t, yet.
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I haven’t given juice, why she drinks water well I don’t see the point😂 but she’s had chocolate buttons etc, it’s in moderation so I don’t see the issue. Not everyday thing but as a “treat”

My boy not drink water but will drink with a little bit juice in it I drink juice so he wants the same. He ad fresh juice too like fresh apple juice. Not all the time. Sweet he have maybe once awk or longer he as bigger siblings and want the same and his melt downs can be bad where he'll hurt himself or other. Also if he ain't got the same as his brother he'll take off his plate/bowel. Most chocolates he as its dairy free things

No juice or squash, he is happy with water. He has the occasional white chocolate button (my Mum keeps buying them for him) but no other kind of sweets. Don't intend to give him them for a good while yet.

No juice but sweets only a tiny little nibble if we are eating something as he will want it. But he doesn't get his own twixes or kitkats haha.

We give small amounts of chocolate and biscuits but no gummy sweets and especially not hard ones/lollies yet.

Sweets no, juice yes, she has a fruit shoot if we go out for a meal with my family because my sisters kid have them and she tries to steal them if she doesn’t have her own and I can’t be doing with the fight 😂

I’ve not given him his own sugary treats but if we’re eating something he’ll usually have a nibble or two. He’s not had gummies and lollies at all but does like a bite of chocolate/cake/pastry now and then. Same with juice, we usually only drink water at home but on the rare occasion I’m drinking a juice or a honey and lemon tea etc I’ll give him a sip, he’s always so curious about what we’re having and I don’t have the heart to tell him no sometimes

I've given a few bites of cake at a party and his birthday and some baby biscuits regularly but not any chocolate or lollies or juice x

I've given diluted juice and the odd taste of fruit juice/smoothie but not sweets, however she likes a chocolate biscuit!

He’s had pure Apple juice before but only ever when doing fluid challenge in hospital so I don’t think that really counts 😂. He was screaming wanting my sister’s squash the other day so she let him have a sip (she did ask me) and he HATED it thank god. He kept brushing his tongue and then shaking his head at her glass. I’ve not given sweets or anything. He doesn’t need it and has his entire life to enjoy it. I won’t stop him as he gets older and will instead teach moderation over avoidance to help curb the ‘overindulge cos I never had it’ issue xx

No juice or sweets, loves a bit of chocolate though x

Juice no as we don't drink it either and he loves water, but sweets he had now and then. He's had some biscuits, homemade cake and once he had crisps. No chocolate yet. He is a good eater so we do it as a treat now and then

My LO can have little treats like juice or sweets. I don’t want him to not have them and want them more, which is human nature. Now it’s almost boring to him and he’s not fussing for them or anything.

No juice, only water and full fat milk. But she has occasional sweet treats at nursery like a piece of cake. They made pancakes the other day and decorated with chocolate, marshmallows and sprinkles which she had a bit of

Never juice, he sometimes eats a bit of something sweet if I’m having it. So a tiny bit of chocolate or cookie. Every other week maybe x

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We tried juice & chocolate and he doesnt care for either 😂 he likes chocolate mousse/yoghurt but not actual chocolates. I wish the same could be said for myself!

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