overdue mums x

I was due 15th feb still no sign of baby boy i know im not that over due but i was so adamant he would be early by a couple days at least! he seems so comfy ive tried everything anyone else feeling deflated x
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My due date was today but no signs of labour yet, so I feel you.

@Yana i’m 2 days over and i’ve not got a single sign at all. i’ve not lost my mucus plug/ waters. this last hour ive had a fair few lightning crotch/ braxton hicks

Also 15/02 due date but been in latent labour for over a week! Was really hoping I would avoid it but apparently body just isn’t ready. Was feeling very disheartened and deflated but just had reflexology and it’s realigned my beliefs and confidence in myself. Just relax sweet and trust that your body is doing what needs to be done to get ready ❤️

Was due 9th Feb still waiting really impatiently ! X

@Rebecca aw bless you! our babies just wanna stay in a little longer. we’ll meet them soon. it’s just deflating being so excited xx

@Jessica oh my god! have they mentioned induction with you? x

I’ve got a midwife appointment on Thursday and she’s going to try another sweep 🙃, if that doesn’t work I’ll be getting induced on the weekends xx

@Jessica asif! how many sweeps you had? i’ve had my third today! x

I’ve technically had 3, but only one worked! First my cervix wasn’t ready, second she said she felt baby’s head but still posterior cervix and then third she couldn’t reach again 😅🙃 x

@Jessica no way! you got a stubborn little one eh haha! my first i was only just dilated my second one id dilated like a tiny bit more and then today she said my cervix is softer and stretchier but i’ve tried everything since coming home! x

Yes, was due on the 14th and everyone’s been telling me he would come early as he’s my second baby. Still no twinges at all 🙄 Hope your little one comes asap!

Was due the 13th too and also was told oh second baby will come earlier hahaha. Also baby was breech for so long I had originally scheduled a c section for last week then they turned but now the waiting is killing me

I was convinced I would go early, this is my second and everyone told me second babies usually come earlier as your body has already done it before - what a lie😂 I am only over due by a day tho but definitely had enough now

@katie second baby here too! My little girl was a week late (but I went into labour at 40+5) was certain my second would be closer to my due date 🙃 x

I’m due today, I thought my water broke yesterday afternoon so called triage and it’s negative after doing a swab using speculum. It was painful! They tried to do the sweep but midwife said she can’t reach my cervix yet and it’s closed? I’m confused. How she can say it’s closed if she can’t reach it even? Anyway, I will have my scheduled sweep this Wednesday with my regular midwife and hopefully it’s open by then. Booked for induction on 24th too. I’m just so exhausted, impatient and frustrated now.

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@Lea the cervix is the inner part so if it’s closed they won’t be able to get to it x

@katie ah I see. Thank you for sharing. I just hope on Wednesday it is open already 🙏

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