Anyone put a restraining order on their MIL for emotional abuse?

She sends nasty text messages about how I have ruined her son's life, being disrespectful, and other things. Then, she proceeded to send my mother similar text messages. And also constantly sends over sermons and links to religious content. (I have like 70 unread messages of just links to reels and YT videos of preachers). I am currently pregnant and have a 1-year-old with my fiance (her only son whom she demands to keep to herself) My fiance and I have a healthy and growing relationship. We work well together and support each other. But his mom doesn't like it, and it is getting out of hand.
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she sounds mentally unwell. any history if mental illness in the family?

Block her go no contact!! Honestly have no communication with her whatsoever tell your mum to block too it's the the only way.

Block her and don’t let her around you! We’ve blocked my MIL for similar reasons (plus more) and she still tries to mail things and use email but my husband takes care of that so I don’t have to stress with it

Block her. I blocked half off my in laws and haven’t regretted it once

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