Yeah my LG is like this and then only wakes once or twice a night to feed so I'd rather feed her loads during the day than at night
@Atalanta (at•lanta) this was my philosophy too! He sleeps the whole way through, so I'll let him latch whenever he wants during waking hours 😂
Same my baby girl is the same. Sleeps well at night and wakes for only one to two feeds at night. Sometimes we could be out and about she won’t stop crying until she gets a feed for like few minutes.
Babies feed for both hunger and the emotional/social reward of being close to their mother I’ve always fed on demand (on my third baby now) It’s normal and to be expected They’re individual people at the end of the day and have their own personalities- my first was a comfort feeder to the Nth degree and was always on me My third is far less into it than her eldest sister was - it’s part of who they are!
My boy is 3.5 months now and has always done this during the day but sleeps really well at night. Not sure how or when to change it...