How are we all getting on with food ?

My boy just won’t eat …. He will eat a few bites of an apple that’s his breakfast ! Today he had a small cheese cracker and some crisps and a water melon ….thats it I am the point of giving up all I do is cook for it to be binned
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does he like sweets?? i tried putting a couple sprinkles on things and he will eat it because he thinks it’s a treat!

My little girl went through a stage of not eating. She was literally living off toast all day. I started giving her breakfast earlier in a morning and gave her dinner earlier and then tea earlier too and it’s helped loads. I found she was getting too tired to eat in the afternoon and at tea time if it was later x

My son barely eats, or when he does it’s toast, crackers etc. really struggling with his food

My little one was a good eater but recently gone off a few important things like eggs. I have to sprinkle crispy fried onions on some of his foods to get him to start interacting with it/eat it. Must be a phase.

He does love sweets !! I’m just running out of ideas what to cook and how to get him to eat it, he won’t eat mince, mash or pasta or sandwiches or wraps ….im very limited and getting very tired. I’m working coming home cooking throwing it in the bin and tidying and getting him ready for bed whilst being 24 weeks pregnant…im tired !! I’ve tried doing breakfast later and smaller lunch …cutting out snacks …you name it I tried it ….im now eating fish finger and peas and chips with him to encourage him but not working xx

Is he still drinking milk? Mine is. Only the recommended daily amount, but I am wondering if that is becoming a contributing factor.

Yeah before bed he will drink 9oz ….i have thought about cutting it down but worried as he doesn’t eat much in the day, he still drinks out of a bottle if I give it in a cup he won’t drink xx

Kids this age are snackers. They don’t need a vast amount of calories just plenty of fruit and veg and they will just pick at other little bits, perfectly normal. I’d take the pressure off and put a little food in front of him 6 times a day- if he eats then it’s a win, if not don’t stress there’ll be another chance for him to eat in a couple of hours

My little was born May 22 and she is at the exact same stage She doesn’t like Chicken nuggets Fish fingers Mince Mash Tomatoes Potatoes if they are in full form Sauce Gravey Salad of any kind Pies Fish Burgers She will eat limited veg, Only warm milk from a bottle She likes things not on the list only when she’s in the mood for it, I have cut back her night time bottle because I was afraid she was holding out for that and not eating really food but she doesn’t seem to care, and still doesn’t eat anymore. I am on the verge of giving up but do think it’s important to keep offering all the different varieties it’s just so hard isn’t it x

My daughter went for MONTHS like this, it was so frustrating. One day she just started eating more 🤷🏻‍♀️ Things I noticed that helped - eating earlier (as someone else said). When she became too tired or hungry she almost got over hungry and it was too much for her. - not putting too much on the plate, so it’s not overwhelming. - sitting at the table with her and eating with her, even if it was a super small portion of what she was having). - when she stopped having 2x bottles milk a day she upped her food intake. She now has no milk at all (she stopped this on her own accord) Does he go to nursery? That helped my daughter eat more as she saw other children eating and eats foods she will never eat at home. I also personally wouldn’t make food sweet as I would be worried that they would then expect all food to be the same way, and won’t eat food that isn’t sweetened.

@Rachael this is true I feel like I’m just sat there watching every bite winding myself up, and then I’m washing up in a mood when he hasn’t touch anything, I offer to help but he independent and can do it himself (which he very good at) the childminder says he eats so well at hers !?! But I’m sure she feeds him but he won’t allow me to do it. @T…. Do we have the same child ? 😂 honestly I’m glad I’m not the only one in this deep hole atm, but also very sorry to hear you are in here with me, I’m trying my best but some days I feel like I’m failing and I just want to hid in my bed and sleep for week xx

@Amy I’m cooking and eating the same foods as him and sitting with him. I have started making his meals smaller so it’s not too overwhelming… but he just looks at my food and say “well done every time I eat all of something” but won’t eat his …. He goes to a childminder and eat well there at lunch …sometimes he doesn’t and the childminder he wrote in his book “with a lot of encouragement he eaten 3 bites of a sandwich” ….. she then offers him a snack at 4 and I normally have dinner cooked for 5 so he doesn’t end up eating it. The HV said at his 2 year review he had some sensory issues and to keep offering it ….but it’s not working he won’t even touch it x

Yep same here literally will only eat tomato soup or anything sweet! Anything else is refused 🥲🥲

If he has sensory issues around food, it sounds like he is leaning towards more crunchy foods from the list you’ve given of today and if that is the case I would serve him more of that texture in different foods. Kids do get fussy with foods, but I encourage my child to identify what it is, then smell, touch and lick it. If he has one bite and doesn’t want it, that’s fine but I take that as a win. It’s really difficult not to pressure them when all you want them to do is eat the food you have cooked for them (what I would give for that!)

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