
Im actually finding this age the hardest… i get beaten up on the daily 🥴 she hits, shouts, screams and has a meltdown over the smallest thing!! She punched me today for the first time! She started preschool three weeks ago and its been downhill since then she absolutely hates going, screamd blue murder every morning and turns into a hot sweaty mess when she realises its preschool day. I don’t know what to do for her. She will hardly eat anything including her faves. This age is so testing. I’ve seen a lot of posts along these lines recently so must be common at 3. People say about the terrible 2’s - i miss that girl this one’s an emotional ball of frustration🥹 hoping this phase passes soon!!
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Could you move pre school if that's the problem?

@Mel s im giving her time to settle as she does usual struggle with the transition of rooms. Im hoping she’ll be better in another 3 weeks cus every morning’s awful and i hate seeing her this way🥲 she just wants to be home. I think she’d dislike anywhere she went tbh. But she is signed up to start a pre school in a school sept so thats an option!

Yep! .. three is worse than two I can attest as my daughter is also, three hang in there mama!

I’m sure pre school is a very big adjustment for her, you are doing the right thing by giving it time.. I fear this will be my little bc she loves being home with me and her dad works from home.. we may decide not to do pre school at all.. I know not all have that option though.

Good I’m so glad I’m not the only, what is happening!!? Too early for wine? 🤣

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