@Cylea 23 it is cause it’s such a long way back home and he won’t let me leave easy he wants me to stay nearby but I have no support here nor do I want to be around him. Yes that’s very true but I just want as less drama now as possible x
My home is gone. My mom just passed a month ago and my dad is in the nursing home alone now. I think you should talk to him and ask him why he wants you to stay? Why is he so upset with his life? Sometimes asking people questions that make them think about their actions even if they don’t have much of a response right away they may sit and think about it to themselves and maybe their actions will start to change. Why is what is important to him so important? Because maybe it’s not and he needs to realize that.
I agree it would be easier to leave if they were to accept it and help with the move and be respectful.
@Cylea 23 oh I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you are safe and comfortable with your little ones. He wants me to stay nearby so he can see his son often. Due to his narcissistic traits he is putting all of the blame on me. I have made him like this apparently. He doesn’t understand anyone other than himself is his problem and he never will. He will never take responsibility nor change hence why I have to get out immediately as the environment has been toxic since I fell pregnant cause the attention was no longer on him. X
I think you should leave if that’s what you want to do. Yes call the police. File for custody. Go to a DV shelter for a while until you get yourself and your boy in a better home. Shelters help people get into places that are $50 a month. Not $500. $50. You can have a place to call your own even before you get all the way on your feet.
Hey i relate to this heavily, i just left my narcissistic, abusive relationship and now I'm starting over from nothing. It's been a challenge but I'm working hard on it. Please reach out if you want to talk at all, I'm always here. I'm pregnant with my first baby right now
I know it’s difficult to just leave sometimes but after the move happens if it’s for the best then things will be a whole lot better I can promise you that. Your sanity and happiness means the world to your baby. You need to do what’s right for you and your children at whatever cost. I have been to the shelter with my daughter 2 times so my vote will always be do what make you and the kids happy.