Online Bookclub 💕

Lots of interest so follow my new instagram page @mumsbookishbreak and we'll get a club going!! Does anyone know of an online bookclub e.g. whatsapp/instagram group chat for mums? Would anyone have any interest in joining one.. it would be relaxed easy reads and no pressure to read the book each month if our life takes over 😊
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i would definitely be interested in something like this!x

I would also be interested!

I would be interested x

I would be interested as well :)

I would be too!X

Yes definitely!

Me too x

I would!

I'd love to!

I’d love this! X

I’d love this! X


I would love this xx

I would definitely be interested!

Yes please !!!

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@Courtney-Louise I've created a page for us on instagram please follow @mumsbookishbreak 💕

followed! excited to see the page grow 🫶🏼

Yes please. Following

I've set a page up @mumsbookishbreak on instagram, please DM the page to join and I'll get the group set up tomorrow 💕

I note you now have an Instagram book club forming but just thought I would add that I joined a WhatsApp book club created from a post like this last year if anyone wanted to join that too then you are more than welcome too

@Lou oooh I’m interested in this! Why kind of books does the group read? X

@Lou also interested ☺️x

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