Disposable postpartum underwear

Is it worth buying them if I’m still gonna stick a maternity pad inside? Could I not just wear black full briefs/shorts with a pad instead?
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I personally would just use the ones the hospital has! But if you want a certain type, then buy them! Whatever will make you most comfy 😊

Personally I found disposable adult nappies so much better! 😊

@Beth so with the disposable nappies do you still need to wear a pad? I’ve never used them.

I used both pads & disposable adult nappies with my first & found the nappies so much better & comfier. I’m going to be using them again this time round

You don’t need a pad inside, they’re meant to be absorbent. I used them with my first and will definitely use them again. I remember when the bleeding was lightening up I tried switching to just a heavy flow pad and it felt soooo much more like a diaper since it was so much bulkier.

Incognito no you just wear the nappies as they have a really good pad built on I found them so much more secure and comfier than pads as I just found I was adjusting my pad and changing then a lot more and they would irritate me too!xx

@Beth Ohh I see. So they don’t leak at all? And how often do you have to change them?

Which ones do you guys recommend? @Beth @Becky @GMF

I can’t remember exactly which kind I got the first time around. Something from Target I’m sure. I just got the always postpartum ones but I deliver this Thursday so haven’t used them yet!

I didn't find they leaked no😊 it completely depends really you'll know in yourself how often you need to change it though can be 2/3 hours depends on how heavy you are! I'm from the UK and got the Asda ones xxx

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