I'm pregnant with my second I'm 28 weeks . It's the tiredness that gets me especially if my toddler sleeps badly . I can't nap when he does as he is slowly dropping his nap .
I had my second in June so 18 months and 5 days. I was sleeping when he slept. We did alot of cuddles
I had my second in December 2024, so just under two year age gap. It was difficult working, having a toddler, but napping when they napped was key! X
Currently 26 weeks. My little girl was so caring when I was throwing up, patting me on the back and holding my hair. But then she would be a terror. I just took it day by day. Xx
I had my second in September so a 22 month age gap. The first trimester tiredness was AWFUL! I hadn't realised it was so tiring with my first as I was able to rest and relax so much more, but looking after a toddler and being pregnant is hardcore. If you have any support network, use it as much as you can. I used to go up to my parents house after work with my daughter and they have her dinner while I had a wee nap. I know that's very lucky. I also must admit to accepting that a little more screen time than normal was sometimes necessary for me to have a chance to sit down with a cup of tea and rest. Good luck! Xxx
I had my second baby in June, so 17 month gap. First trimester was survival so lots of sofa days, napping when he napped etc but once I got through that it was honestly fine! In the end I was climbing through soft play with him on my due date (with a 9lb11oz baby inside me) 😂😂 congratulations!