I was advised with my little boy who is now three that as long as he was eating a varied and balanced diet the milk consumption didn’t have to be a huge concern as he also wanted to drop his milk very fast! I also gave him a multivitamin everyday while weaning and this helps with vitamins that they don’t get from the milk they would have been having. Sounds like he loves his food and seems very balanced so lots of good nutrients on his meals
I think nhs advice is that once they are on 3 good meals a day they expect milk intake to be around 600ml which is avoid 21 oz I think so sounds OK.
My LB was the same. He absolutely loves solid food and is milk intake massively reduced once he was on solids. I was actually holding off on moving from two to three meals as I was so concerned but my HV said as long as he was taking a minimum of 16oz a day then not to worry. I would say he manages roughly 18oz a day. I make him four 6oz bottles but he never finishes them. Maybe two 5oz bottles and two 4oz. He goes roughly 5 hours between bottles during the day. He never cries for milk but once it gets to 5 hours I make him a bottle. Not sure if I should be letting him go longer.
Aww bless him, that's such a good amount of food and variety in a day! Maybe drop down to 3 bottles of 7floz? As that's still 21floz a day, which is perfectly fine for his age. My girl was 9 months yesterday and she has now 3-4 7 floz bottles a day and 3 meals 🙂