We do baby led weaning with the odd puree and she will put everything in her mouth and bite bits off etc but she hasn’t quite grasped swallowing yet so most of it comes out 😂 she does swallow purees though. I’m not worried. It can take up to 10 tries of a food for baby to decide if they like it or not. Is she actually spitting it out or is her tongue thrusting it out? If the latter then she just may not be quite ready yet.
Its normal they're learning how to move it around their mouth
We're doing blw and she puts everything in her mouth, but most comes back out. I have been worried she's not actually eating much. But judging by the poop she did earlier, she's definitely swallowing some bits 🙄
Mine has hated all fruits so far but we’ve given her pieces of baked chicken to gnaw and celery sticks for teething and she loves those
Yep mine!! Hates everything even banana with milk puree… doesn’t even know how to open her mouth bless her. Just going to keep trying one meal a day if not maybe BLW