We did ourees at 4.5 months and went from giving smooth purees to slightly chunkier or thicker to then normal food like mush up a banana then give slightly less mashed then put cut up bits on their plate and do 1 allergy per week! Then soon enough they can just eat what you eat normally :) helps so much when they have teeth!! Xx
Could you transition to mashed foods before actual solids? So, mashed avocado, mashed potato/sweet potato, mashed banana, mashed beans, mashed rice, etc. That might help your little get used to new textures and ease them in to the solid foods.
The book what mummy’s makes is great for recipes, we still use them now! We never used puree at all just gave him food and let him have at it! If at first they just mush it up and play with it or throw it around that’s all totally normal and part of the process, let them explore freely x
Hi i haven’t started yet as he’s only just turned five months but have you heard of Moon&Rue on tiktok? She has a book now and I’ve already found it so so helpful!
@Bria Thank you! I was thinking maybe that was the way to go but just wasn't sure so wanted to know what others tried! Will give it ago and see how we get on x
@Emily Think this is the best way to go! Will give it a go and see how she gets on. Thank you xx
@Yasmin will have a look into the book thank you!! X
I like the account sr_nutrition on instagram, she has a 'weanalong' in her highlights - and also just published a book too
There a app called solid start that is really good
Use the solid starts app it’s really useful for talking about how certain foods should be served for different ages x
I never really planned much with my kids. When they were ready, they started grabbing food off my plate. As long as it's safe and relatively soft, I think just sharing your food at first is a great way to get them interested in "real" food. As long as your pediatrician isn't concerned, you don't have to worry about it too much. They know their own bodies and will seek solid food when they're ready and hungry.