@Nae alr thank u, ☺️ but does all the airline let u pass thru after 30 week or they have specific ones tht does? And mind is 2 hr n 30 min
I will HIGHLY RECOMMEND compression socks, small pillow for your back, water bottle, back brace if you have it, and to get up and stand for awhile during the flight. I went to the back of the plane. Also, bring healthy snacks
@Nae they let u bring snacks cuz i see some of rhem they throw it away n doesnt let u bring at all and thank u for the advice!! 🥺💕
I’m a pilot currently flying my last trip. I’m 36weeks currently, my last day flying until after my child’s birth will have me flying at 36+4. I’m also low risk, was cleared by my doctor and have been flying the whole pregnancy as it’s my job.
They definitely let you bring snacks lol. Just make sure your waterbottle is empty before you go through TSA. I always fill it up after I get to my gate.
Up to 36 weeks pregnant. After 36 weeks they require a doctor’s note. They don’t actually know how far along you are. They’ll just assume so you don’t have to tell them anything.
I do believe it’s all airlines. But if you’re flying a specific one I would just check what there regulations are online. I fly southwest bc that’s the airline I work for.
Also check with your Dr. I was high risk so my Dr recommended not flying after 30 weeks. But like everyone else said I’m sure you’ll be fine if your pregnancy isn’t high risk
I flew to Puerto Rico at 32 weeks pregnant. The longest leg being 4 hours and I’m flying to California at 35 weeks pregnant and that flight is 2 1/2 hours. If it’s domestic the cut off is 34-35 weeks