My last blood tests was showing 29 on acid bile last week, so have been going in to be monitored and everything fine with baby movements and heart rate etc, but told I’ve got to have weekly bloods and if things go worse etc then possible induce at 37 weeks. This is my first pregnancy and really want a water birth etc, can anyone advise induced at 37 weeks what was it like? Did you still get to have a natural/ ideal birth you wanted or does it all go out the plan with ICP? I’m just scared and don’t know what to do!😭😭
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Hi, can totally relate. I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby. My bile acids are currently 80 as from last week which puts me to high risk. Anything over 100 would put you as severe. Weekly bloods are normal procedure when they suspect icp. Bile acids are unpredictable and can elevate and reduce so quickly. I was Induced at 37 weeks with my daughter (now 3) meant I unfortunately wasn't able to have a water birth. Of course policies change and this may be something of an option but all I would advise, be open in terms of birth plan as they will always do what is best for you and baby at that time. Course every labour is different, my Induction was fast and safe. I was induced 37th week and had her the day after. Baby was fine and healthy, had trouble with her blood sugars but that wasn't due to the cholostasis. They advise getting you past 36 weeks if possible as that's always going to be the best outcome for baby. Monitor baby's movements, any changes or concerns to his/her movements don't hesitate to ring triage xx

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