Living in a hotel

Does anyone live in a hotel with kids?? If so how do yall do it? I’m headed in that direction
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A local park and public library for sure! Chalk for the parking lot, create scavenger hunts, or build forts inside. I usually tried to get out of the room every other day, even if it was just a walk around the outside of the hotel. Museums/zoo/aquarium, they cost money but worth it to tire them out for a day. Even just a patch of grass and a ball to kick around. Join a local mom group on facebook, keep an eye out for events. It’s so easy to get bored and restless. It’s hard, but not impossible.

@Kenzie what are your tips on making it affordable for me and three kids

I been there. Godspeed sis it's hard 🥹 just remember to try to present it to your kids like an adventure not something to be sad for. Id also get find chain you like, I used extended stay so it's recognizable for them if you gotta go to a different hotel.

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