You’ve been through it too! Happy birthday to him for yesterday🥳 I’m glad I’m not the only one worried about comaparisons. I only have the one but I worry about socialising her because majority of people won’t understand the situation which makes me nervous incase she isn’t “the same as the others” but your comment makes me feel better. I’m pleased your boy is doing very well!🩵
@Summer Awww thankyou, I totally get this like my son doesn't acknowledge anyone lol my partner makes a joke of it and says "Oh he's so ignorant 🙄 " but thing is , we do believe he's on the spectrum we just don't know what! So now he's at nursery they've picked up so we have a few referalls in place etc so hopefully we'll find out ...... Also when i had my daughter he didn't come running over cuddling like a "Fullterm toddler" he looks and stares lol but uou know what he's clever in different aspects, Prem babies are warriors and are amazing in there own ways!!! 💜💜💜
Have a look at Love Lily and Arthur (on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook) ❤️ Lily was born at 34 weeks and is now 3yo and Arthur was born at 24 weeks, now 8mo. Beth shares her journey as a preemie mama and raises funds and awareness. Just incase you wanted to follow along 😀
My daughter was born at 27+3 weeks and is now 15 months old (13 months corrected). I also had severe pre-eclampsia with pulmonary edema, diagnosed at 24 weeks so she was 1lb 4oz at birth, 5.5lbs at hospital discharge. I wouldn’t worry too much about milestones (the doctors will do all the worrying/checking for you). Obviously if there’s something concerning then speak to your health visitor and/or GP but for now soak up the cuddles and know that every baby does things at their own pace. I joined the baby groups here for her actual and corrected age to compare and she’s doing most things at her corrected age - food they can have at their actual but it’s down to your instincts as mum. Happy to chat if you need a bit more support :)
Thank you all for your kind words and reassurance 🩷🩷
Just came to say she’s beautiful! My little one was born two months early, he’s now 6 months actual 4 months corrected. He was our first after 4 losses! His milestones are all over the places I definitely still compare at like groups with other babies who are rolling, sitting etc doing all those wonderful things but I’ve found the older he’s got the easier it’s got not to compare him to others, he’s just his own wonderful little soul. She’s stunning and looks so content & I hope you’re feeling well after such a traumatic experience, being a nicu mumma is not for the weak xxxx
Thank you so much for your kind words! Congratulations on your little boy!💙 it is hard not to compare because I know that’s automatically what I’ll do but it makes me feel better that I’m not the only one! Thank you again it means a lot 🥰
Aww bless you, my son was born at 24wks as my waters went at 22wks. He actually turnt 3yrs old yesterday 🩷 It's been a rough journey, he's slightly behind in certain areas but in the lady few months he's started to accomplish the smallest things like a shape sorter , he's also started to talk more since being at nursery he started ( August 24 ) he wasn't even babbling and now he's saying the odd word here or there. It's so hard not to compare to other babies as I have a 16yr old and now a 1yr old I'm constantly comparing 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ At the end of the day babies milestones will happen in good time and remember, your doing great !!! Xxx