My lad doesn't use a spoon either. He used to but the past few months he's hated getting his hands wet so he won't feed himself unless the food is quite dry like toast or fruit and raw vegetables are an absolute no for us 🙃 getting him to eat anything other than yoghurt or melty sticks is hard enough x
I spoon feed my 14month old too, he will feed himself finger foods etc. Im not really worried about it id rather do it than have the mess of it all over the place🙈
I leave my 13m old to feed herself to start with and then I spoon feed her to make sure she’s having enough. I’m not worried about it, I always just think when they’re 18 they won’t be expecting us to spoon feed them 😂 it’ll happen in their own time! It’s the pressure from social media making us think we’re not doing it right. We are!
@Lucy you are so right. That’s what I tell myself when I spoon feed my little girl 😄. My parents fed me by spoon till 7 years old and here I am now feeding myself 😄😄😄. Everything comes in their own time
We’re the exact same - she’ll eat finger foods (crumpets, fruits, veg sticks & anything she can pick up), but everything else is spoon fed - I’m not worried! Xx
Same I spoon feed my 13month old but if it’s finger foods she will eat it by herself. Sometimes I load the spoon and she will hold it and eat but doesn’t know how to load more food on spoon yet. And then sometimes if I try to make her hold the spoon she smacks the spoon away cause she wants me to feed her 😅. They will learn in their own time ❤️
Mines 13 months and I was also worried she was behind. I spoon feed as if I left her to do BLW all the time she wouldn’t eat anything hardly. I would say same maybe 60-80% spoon fed through the day. She sometimes grabs the spoon and either flings the food about or occasionally puts it in her mouth. She will put the spoon in the food and shake it about and fling food everywhere. That’s as far as we are and I’ve also worried I’m failing her by not making her do more, I also don’t know what I would do to encourage her to use cutlery really. It’s a job just getting her to eat anything.