Better to be safe than sorry. Get checked out. I wouldn’t worry yourself but if you ring the triage unit and describe what you’ve written here they will either get you to come in or tell you to keep an eye on it. If you have an appointment coming up relatively soon (within the next 3-5 days I would say) it would be worth mentioning but definitely ring the maternity unit and just explain the situation. Preeclampsia is very serious and catching it early is very important. Even if the symptoms aren’t massively noticeable. Look after yourself and try not to worry yourself as stress is never good (easier said than done I know 😅)
As others have said it’s worth giving them a call. Do you have a blood pressure monitor to check? How are your iron levels? I think anaemia can also give those visual disturbances too.
i’ve called and they’ve asked me to come in, i’m just so worried of wasting peoples time but they said i’m doing the right thing even if it does turn out to be nothing, they’re gonna check me out xx
@Sinead your not wasting anyone’s time lovely. Better to be safe than sorry. I hope everything goes okay and it is nothing :) my messages are always open if you need someone to talk to ❤️
I would definitely say to go into triage! You have to call if you experience any visual disturbances! Definitely better to be safe than sorry!!
You should make an appointment ASAP, if you have a blood pressure cuff take your blood pressure in the mean time to see if it's high
I got a BP monitor in Argos for £20, had 2 high readings (both around 145/99), went to maternity ward at 1am, still there at 5am as I also had protein in urine. My other symptoms were a headache,swollen ankles (looked as though I was wearing socks that were too small, but I was wearing my husband's whose usually fall off me!!), was very flushed and hot, and my vision was slightly blurred. All of which I put down to work that day and having been on my feet/having a bad night's sleep. I'm glad I went in as I ended up having protein in my urine and was nearly admitted to hospital for medication, but my last reading in hospital was just low enough to be let home as long as I monitor at home. I am such an over thinker but i am so glad to have went in,especially as it wasn't all in my head!! I have an appointment on Wednesday to hear more. Have been monitoring BP at home since and readings are high if I am busy, so taking it as a sign from my body to start slowing down 😊
Speak to your midwife if you’re concerned, they will check your blood pressure and your urine for protein x