I learned this! I got some wild stretch marks in literally the last few weeks of pregnancy at the top of my stomach. Stretch marks are hereditary
Umm I went through my whole pregnancy and I don’t have a single stretch mark
@Narissa some women don’t, but i guarantee it has nothing to do with the products you used
I've oiled since 7 weeks im now nearly 37 with no stretch marks. My mum had them terribly with me. I guess it all down to how quick baby and bump grows. My family have always carried small in the sense baby stays more in the body and doesn't push out. Everyone is different
You’re right some women don’t so the post is inaccurate lol. You said no amount of anything you used will prevent stretch marks. Yeah it may not have been what I used but how do you know for certain? How do you know without a doubt that what I used wasn’t what prevented stretch marks on me??
@Narissa she didn’t say everyone gets them. It’s just not dependent on an expensive skincare product
Finally someone said it!!
@Narissa it’s been proven that stretch marks are genetic and dependent on many factors… skincare is NOT one of them.
Trueee. Theres no stretch marks in my family either and guess whos hips and thighs are now covered in them😂at the end of the day the bigger the bump the more the skins gonna stretch and the likeihood of you getting stretch marks🤷♀️i personally am not fussed by them i just see them as my babies first drawings 😂
@Narissa how is the post inaccurate lol i said nothing about women who don’t get them at all. if you don’t get them it’s because of genetics and the elasticity of your skin. it’s just fact. what did you use?
@Vicky not to be a debbie downer but there’s still time 😂 some mamas don’t get them til the very end or after birth! but maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones (even tho it’s not really lucky or unlucky cause there’s nothing wrong with having them :))
I was really lucky with my 1st pregnancy and didn't get any stretch marks and currently 27 weeks pregnant with no stretch marks
Yep learned this with my 1st I stopped trying to prevent with my 2nd,3rd and 4th