Anyone else want to kill their spouse ?

I’m 1 month pp and seeing him enrages me. He can’t do anything right; I will cook and he opts to clean, but he can’t do it right… I end up cleaning and yelling at the same time. It’s Pp rage, is this normal ?
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Pp rage is a very real thing! I’m sorry you are going through this but it will likely get better. How was your relationship before baby arrived?

I’m 3 months pp and I still feel the same way 🤦🏽‍♀️

Totally normal. Post partum rage 💯

@Laura I don’t know: it’s never bothered me before as much as it does now. It’s like I find him useless and it angers me…. He can’t even do morning routines for the bigger kids and it makes me hate him even more. It’s like he needs me to do every single thing.

@Privilege how are you managing ?

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