Homeless Shelter, maybe?

Hey Mamas! I met a mom some months ago, and I have been nothing but sweet to her, but now I am getting the feeling that something is off. I am a Christian, and I take my faith seriously. I haven't always practiced it or done my best, but I really want to live daily for him. Anyway, I'm typing while drowsy, so excuse me if it doesn't seem coherent. My mom friend I met at my church's mom's group was in trouble. I have gotten to know her since meeting and even invited her to my home for a Thanksgiving meal. She, unbeknownst to me, has been homeless with her husband and newborn. She stayed in a hotel for who knows how long until they couldn't afford any more nights, I guess, and she asked for a place to keep her daughter safe, which is understandable. Anyway, I let her stay. It was supposed to be just her and her daughter, but the husband came too? 1. I told him that he had to park outside the gate, which he didn't, and his car got towed. I ended up paying, and he agreed to pay me back. 2. I told her that I would need help with chores, but she only helped when I asked her again and, again, to do certain things instead of her taking the initiative, 3. She hasn't really been talking much unless I initiate the convo. I have tried to make them as comfortable as possible (gave them towels, rags, body wash, air mattress with pillows and blankets). I even washed their clothes for them as well as gave them a gift card for gas that her dumb husband waited to tell me ge was running out instead of trying to figure out how to make money on their own to get some, js. 4. She seems to be in a not so good mood, and I don't like it because it's like she's annoyed with my children. 5. She doesn't do much but holds her baby and sits on the couch. Like pure lazy.. I have to see my husband next Saturday to celebrate our daughter's birthday. I feel that since her husband gets paid next week, they should leave after paying me back, of course. Tell me what y'all think? Is there a homeless shelter for them. I don't want to make them feel like I don't like them, I just want my space back. I feel inconvenienced. PLUS, I'm a sahm and have been feeling sick for a couple of days. I'm hoping this upcoming week I feel much better.
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They've been in my home for almost 2 weeks now.

this is insane you need to kick them out. it’s one thing to help someone get on their feet, but it seems like they’re taking full advantage of your kindness.

That's how it feels. I have been taking her to food banks and giving them info for anything they may need help with, like quick ways to make money and free diapers wipes and clothes for baby and her. I even took her to a mommy coffee and toddler time.

Alot of times people will take your kindness for weakness. That’s great that you’re helping out but I’m not understanding why the husband showed up. The husband sounds incompetent being that he let his car get towed. She sounds ungrateful. If someone is letting you stay at their house, the least you can do is chores. That’s just common courtesy. It’s your house, you have every right to tell them to leave. I just hope they don’t make a big fuss about it. Im sure there is some type of homeless shelter in the area.

I agree! Totally!

Update: They left without incident, nor did they tell me that they were planning on leaving, which let's me know that there was an issue even though they denied it. Honestly, I'm glad to have my home back.

That’s great news.

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