At my wits end
I am so miserable my baby doesn’t make me happy no one does or anything
All my daughter does is fucking cry at everything non fucking stop all day I’ve never known a 9 month old to just never stop whining and crying it’s too much now
Before I could take her out at least but now o can’t do literally anything k can’t take her in the car the shop the pram in the carrier trolley nothing at home all she does is cry too while she eats then she chokes badly
I’m so miserable I hate my life I would rather be dead honestly
I feel like I will end up committing suicide very soon because who wants to just live this torturous day over and over and over when I get no joy!? I’m just being absolutely tortured!
People kept telling me for months this gets better it’s not it’s getting worse I just can’t take anymore
Please pray. You will be fine ❤️